AccrocheVoici les publications les plus récentes du Laboratoire Lausannois Lesson Study (3LS).
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Batteau, V. (2024, mars). De la mise en commun vers une mise en dialogue. Communication présentée à Module des didactiques en formation initiale à l'Université de Genève, Genève, Suisse.
Clivaz, S., Clerc-Georgy, A., Oberthaler, U., & Frank Schmid, S. (2024). Lesson study in Switzerland: from research to dissemination and back. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, ahead of print, 000. Retrieved from
Clivaz, S., Batteau, V., Presutti, S., Bünzli, L.-O., & Daina, A. (2024). Types of talk and mathematical knowledge for teaching problem-solving: Dialogic analysis of a lesson study. Paper presented at the ICME15, Sydney, Australia.
Clivaz, S., Clerc-Georgy, A., Oberthaler, U., & Frank Schmid, S. (2024). Lesson study in Switzerland: From research to dissemination … and back. Paper presented at the WALS International Conference 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Clivaz, S. (2024). Research Lesson as a Swiss Train Journey: Let’s Think About the Map! Paper presented at the WALS International Conference 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Clivaz, S., Batteau, V., Presutti, S., Bünzli, L.-O., Daina, A., et Pellet, J.-P. (2024). Connaissances mathématiques pour l’enseignement de la résolution de problèmes : construction dialogique lors d’une Lesson Study. Communication présentée à 6e Colloque des didactiques disciplinaires, Kreuzlingen, Suisse.
Karsenty, R., Dole, S., Clivaz, S., Griese, B., & Pöhler, B. (2024). Roles, Identities and Interactions of Various Participants in Mathematics Teacher Collaboration. In H. Borko & D. Potari (Eds.), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups : The 25th ICMI Study (pp. 135-202). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-56488-8_4
Sakamoto, M., Tan, S., & Clivaz, S. (2024). Social, Cultural and Political Perspectives of Generative AI in Teacher Education: Lesson Planning in Japanese Teacher Education. In M. Searson, E. Langran & J. Trumble (Eds.), Exploring New Horizons: Generative Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Education (pp. 178-208).
Rakhmail, E., Lewis, C., Clivaz, S., Kuramoto, T., Dudley, P., & Tan, S. (2024). Q&A Panel session. Paper presented at the WALS International Conference 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Rakhmail, E., Lewis, C., Clivaz, S., & Takahashi, A. (2024). In The Future of Lesson Study: Insights from WALS Leaders. Paper presented at the Podcast, Astana, Kazakhstan. Retrieved from
Batteau, V., & Trgalova, J. (2024). From collective preparation to research lesson focused on computational thinking students in mathematics problem solving. Paper presented at the Congrès organisé par WALS, Astana, Kazakstan. Retrieved from
Batteau, V., & Trgalova, J. (2024). COMBINING COMPUTATIONAL THINKING IN MATHEMATICS: ISSUE OF MODELLING AND EVALUATION. Paper presented at the ICME, Sydney, Australie. Retrieved from
Clerc-Georgy, A., Truffer Moreau, I., et Richard, S. (2024). Former des enseignantes à une didactique du jeu : Un dispositif de formation continue inspiré des Lessons Studies. Revue Education et formation, e-321, 27-40.
Bemporad, C., et Chatelain, S. (2024). Enjeux et défis de l’interdisciplinarité entre didactiques des langues et de la musique. Dans Y. Buyck, M. Sudries, F. Ligozat et C. Marlot (Eds.), Les didactiques face à l’évolution des curriculums. Savoir(s) et pratiques pour entrer dans la complexité du monde.
Batteau, V. (2023, November). How does a Japanese primary school teacher manage the whole-class discussion named neriage? Paper presented at the WALS International Conference 2023, Zwolle, Netherlands.
Laffranchini, M. (2023, octobre). Des élèves, des histoires, des défis: répondre aux besoins uniques des élèves migrant·e·s. Communication présentée à Journées de formation pour lesnouveaux enseignants en structured’accueil et de CIF, Lausanne, Suisse.
Batteau, V., & Trgalova, J. (2023). Computational thinking in mathematics teaching in secondary school. In P. Drijvers, C. Csapodi, H. Palmér, K. Gosztonyi & E. Kónya (Eds.), Proceedings of the thirteenth congress of the european society for research in mathematics education (CERME13) (pp. 2875-2882). Retrieved from
Batteau, V., et Clivaz, S. (2023). De la mise en commun à la mise en dialogue. Revue de Mathématiques pour l'école (RMé) - Ex. Math-Ecole, 239, 27-39.
Ingram, J., Clivaz, S., Maher, C. A., & Wilkinson, L. (2023). Learners building conceptual understandings of mathematics: Conditions for promoting growth in understanding – A global perspective from ICME-14. Journal of Mathematical Behavior (The), 72, 1-3. doi:10.1016/j.jmathb.2023.101101
Clivaz, S., Presutti, S., Batteau, V., Bünzli, L.-O., Daina, A., & Pellet, J.-P. (2023). Mathematical knowledge for teaching problem-solving: Dialogic construction during a lesson study. In P. Drijvers, C. Csapodi, H. Palmér, K. Gosztonyi & E. Kónya (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). Retrieved from
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